Savin' Grace

Thursday, November 17, 2005


So....Remember when you were young and you had this uncontrollable urge to do what you knew wasn't a good choice at the time??? But you did it anyway???? Tell me if I'm a bad mom....

My son is almost 17 years old. He's had the same girlfriend for a long time, about a year or so. He's never skipped a day of school in his life. With the exceptions of faking the "24 hour" flu. Or maybe he had the "I don't wanna go" itis. Who knows, but he's never skipped without my knowledge. Well last Monday he skipped the WHOLE day. He left like any other day, before I got my lazy ass in the shower, like usual. I went to work and worked my ass off, like any other day. Lunchtime I was thinking about going home to get a sandwich and say hi to my cats. I get home and the phone keeps ringing. My son's friends, I thought. Oh no....much much more.

My son comes in and sits down on my futon and says....."mom, I did something bad". Oh....He's tellin' me...uhoh, I'm thinking. This isn't going to be pretty. He says, "I skipped school the whole day, hung out here (the house) with my girlfriend and we had sex". "Her parents found out and they want to talk to you. They keep calling the house". GREAT! JUST GREAT! I was proud of myself. I didn't freak out, I didn't yell. I was proud of him for telling me before the proverbial shit hit the fan. I asked him, "how do they know you guys had sex?" He gets this look of confusion on his face and says "I don't know"......

Yeah! Just release the hounds now, the lynch mob is on it's way!!!!!

Then he goes on to tell me that the gf's mom is threatening to accuse my son of statutory rape and she was going to "HUNT" me down. I told him to calm down and not to worry. I could be wrong but I thought one of them had to be an adult, over 18, weather it was consentual or not, and the other a minor. Their both under 18 and only 6 months apart in age. Then I thought "did these people think their daughter was going to stay a virgin forever?" My son says she wasn't anyway. But in my mind, I thought, "better to be here having sex then out stealing cars or doing drugs"....Hell, he wore a rubber! I was more pissed off that he skipped school.

Now just a little background on their relationship. She has parents that are in the midst of divorce and the mother drinks a lot. My son has been her shoulder to cry on since they started dating. I've heard this poor girl crying on the phone to my son because her mother is drunk and having some sort of temper tantrum. I don't know their total situation, nor do I want to, but I didn't think that threat was cool at all. They didn't do anything terribly wrong. Skipping school to do the deed was wrong. The actual act itself, I'm sure was done with love and respect for both involved. And besides, it's not like we can stop a teenager from having sex. I mean, hello??? They're gonna do it eventually, right? How did you get started? Think about that.....

While my son was agonizing over every word he was telling me, all I could think about was when I was a junior in high school.....writing my own notes to get out of school to go see my son's father. What did we do all day? You can relate......SEX! OH MY GAWD!!! NOT THAT!!!! I said that BAD word....oh stop the world!!! WE HAD SEX.

So why on earth are her parents isolating her, making her cry and making my son depressed? For having sex??? Obviously they love each other. He's no longer allowed to see her, not my doing. He sees her everyday at school anyway. How sad is that? He's all bummed out and misses her. He sees her crying most of the time at school. They write notes back and forth. She was a nice girl, but her parents suck. So I think all this residual stuff is punishment enough.

My son has to serve Saturday school too....ahhh memories.

So does this make me a bad parent? I don't care really at all what you think, but I thought I'd put it out there.......and if you ask my kids....

I'm the coolest mom on earth.


PS...He did get a severe punishment for skipping school.....And I told him he had to do the deed in the bushes and in cars like everybody else did. I"m not punishing him for expressing his love to his girlfriend. And that is what we need in this world.....More loving and caring individuals. I'm not gonna raise another narcisistic asshole. We have plenty of those.