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My son has turned 18. Forget the fact I feel so flippin' old, I should be using geritol and wearing depends; but now I have an 18 year old living in my house. And he doesn't just live here, he LIVES here.
All around my house is little bits of him everywhere. BE it a wrapper, his dirty rolled up sock, or his dishes, you know he's been here! He knows
he's leaving his mark all over my house, he encourages his friends to do the same. And it's a constant barrage of strange teenagers and their tiny, little, pale girlfriends. All decked out in their ear gear, chain mail and ties. This marauding bunch is into "Guitar Hero" on the Playstation 2 and "butt sex". They like screaming loudly for no apparent reason, because it's "fun". Putting their balls on their buddy's forehead and posting it on myspace. Good Lord! What the hell happened here?!?!?! It's like they try to gross each other out the worst. What are we 5? I came to a realization. Kick out my son, there goes the wanna be derelicts. It's not like he is a joy to live with. Is it bad to want to kick his lazy, manipulative smart ass out of the house? Since he kno
ws EVERYTHING let him go out and take care of himself. He can get a job, an apartment. Hell he can get a damn car now and not take the test! He says he can just walk into the DMV and they just hand him over a license to drive. Boy, he's in for a surprise. Hell he can write his own excuses to the school if he misses any classes. What the hell does he need me for? Oh yeah! I pay for his Internet and his fridge full of food. He says school sucks. Sucks so bad he repeated the 8th grade and now he's got another year. Shit! I wish he'd take the GED and get it over with. He says he can pass
that test easy....piece of cake. DO IT!!!! I'm so ready for this kid to get a taste of adult life. He's in for a big shock. Someday he's going to realize that mom was right. I did. You did. All of us did and will. It's part of growing up and becoming an adult. He's been touting his own horn for years, time to put up or shut up oh lovely offspring. Course I'm to blame for it all if it goes bad. Moms get the shaft man...I told him he was smart, and he is so brilliant. But he's LAZY. And he wants things easy, handed to him based on his word. He has nothing to back it up. Not enough life under him. So unmotivated, so unwilling to work for things. I never taught my kids to be lazy. I taught them you have to work at things to get what you want in life. I don't understand why he's so stubborn. And he blames me for being the way he is. At some point don't kids have a mind of their own? When does it become his fault? Now that's he's officially an adult? Who made up this rule? I didn't choose for him not to do his 8th grade homework, thus failing and being held back. Why would I wish that upon him? He can be anything he puts his mind to. I just wish he'd put his mind to something, anything, before it's too late. I don't want him to be living with mom when he's 30! Straight kill me! I love my son, don't get me wrong, but he's a big mouth, opinionated, manipulating asshole. At some point his personality and mine became like oil and water. And now that he's an adult, I see light at the end of the tunnel. Just let him survive his adulthood cuz it was tough surviving his childhood. And that's just me and his sister. We survived his childhood. He can be whatever he wants to be, and he'll be good at it. I just hope he picks something good, not illegal, immoral....cuz he'd be good at that too.