Savin' Grace
Thursday, November 17, 2005
My son is almost 17 years old. He's had the same girlfriend for a long time, about a year or so. He's never skipped a day of school in his life. With the exceptions of faking the "24 hour" flu. Or maybe he had the "I don't wanna go" itis. Who knows, but he's never skipped without my knowledge. Well last Monday he skipped the WHOLE day. He left like any other day, before I got my lazy ass in the shower, like usual. I went to work and worked my ass off, like any other day. Lunchtime I was thinking about going home to get a sandwich and say hi to my cats. I get home and the phone keeps ringing. My son's friends, I thought. Oh no....much much more.
My son comes in and sits down on my futon and says....."mom, I did something bad". Oh....He's tellin' me...uhoh, I'm thinking. This isn't going to be pretty. He says, "I skipped school the whole day, hung out here (the house) with my girlfriend and we had sex". "Her parents found out and they want to talk to you. They keep calling the house". GREAT! JUST GREAT! I was proud of myself. I didn't freak out, I didn't yell. I was proud of him for telling me before the proverbial shit hit the fan. I asked him, "how do they know you guys had sex?" He gets this look of confusion on his face and says "I don't know"......
Yeah! Just release the hounds now, the lynch mob is on it's way!!!!!
Then he goes on to tell me that the gf's mom is threatening to accuse my son of statutory rape and she was going to "HUNT" me down. I told him to calm down and not to worry. I could be wrong but I thought one of them had to be an adult, over 18, weather it was consentual or not, and the other a minor. Their both under 18 and only 6 months apart in age. Then I thought "did these people think their daughter was going to stay a virgin forever?" My son says she wasn't anyway. But in my mind, I thought, "better to be here having sex then out stealing cars or doing drugs"....Hell, he wore a rubber! I was more pissed off that he skipped school.
Now just a little background on their relationship. She has parents that are in the midst of divorce and the mother drinks a lot. My son has been her shoulder to cry on since they started dating. I've heard this poor girl crying on the phone to my son because her mother is drunk and having some sort of temper tantrum. I don't know their total situation, nor do I want to, but I didn't think that threat was cool at all. They didn't do anything terribly wrong. Skipping school to do the deed was wrong. The actual act itself, I'm sure was done with love and respect for both involved. And besides, it's not like we can stop a teenager from having sex. I mean, hello??? They're gonna do it eventually, right? How did you get started? Think about that.....
While my son was agonizing over every word he was telling me, all I could think about was when I was a junior in high school.....writing my own notes to get out of school to go see my son's father. What did we do all day? You can relate......SEX! OH MY GAWD!!! NOT THAT!!!! I said that BAD word....oh stop the world!!! WE HAD SEX.
So why on earth are her parents isolating her, making her cry and making my son depressed? For having sex??? Obviously they love each other. He's no longer allowed to see her, not my doing. He sees her everyday at school anyway. How sad is that? He's all bummed out and misses her. He sees her crying most of the time at school. They write notes back and forth. She was a nice girl, but her parents suck. So I think all this residual stuff is punishment enough.
My son has to serve Saturday school too....ahhh memories.
So does this make me a bad parent? I don't care really at all what you think, but I thought I'd put it out there.......and if you ask my kids....
I'm the coolest mom on earth.
PS...He did get a severe punishment for skipping school.....And I told him he had to do the deed in the bushes and in cars like everybody else did. I"m not punishing him for expressing his love to his girlfriend. And that is what we need in this world.....More loving and caring individuals. I'm not gonna raise another narcisistic asshole. We have plenty of those.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
The clinic is for low income and uninsured. Everyone smiles there, every one says hi, when walking down the halls. Even the poor people that have come for care of various problems, smile at me. We even have a methodone clinic. So you could imagine the people I see everyday. This job gives me a sense of accomplishment. I do all the prescriptions that come into our office. It's my job to make sure the rx gets to the doctor and the rx gets back to the pharmacy within 72 hours. I'm the essential link to the patients and their meds. I've learned a lot about different drugs and what kind of diagnosis negates these drugs. There are a lot of people on anti-depressants in this small town. A lot of young girls with clymidia and various STDs....(very alarming) roaming the streets of this small town. Scares me to think these girls have no self respect and no support systems, just out having unprotected sex with just about anyone who'll lay down with them. I feel sad for these girls. But I guess that's the nature of the beast, when you're bored and there's nothing else to do in a small town and with an overactive libido, God knows who these girls are sleeping with. I've learned a lot about the mentality of this town so far and it's fascinating. Maybe I should go into psychiatry.....hummmmm......anyway....
I've also learned some of my coworkers personalities and quirks.
Just this week, my boss, a great lady, quite young, had a "head honcho" meeting and the RX came up. Some of the doctors' said they want those rx to them in 12 hours! My boss said, "it's just not possible", coming to the aid of her newbie rx employee. And yes, I'm the only one who does it. Funny how they pick the "hippie chick" to do the prescriptions....LOL. Tickles me to no end. Anyway, I get about 60-75 prescriptions a day. Friday's and Monday's are the worst. Sometimes I see 100-125 prescriptions in any given Friday or Monday. All the pharmacists are clamoring to get these rx done before the weekend and whoever doesn't get their stuff on Friday, their clamoring to get it come Monday morning. So I dread Fridays and Mondays. It's nice to know my boss is sticking up for me.
I recently had an rx come through for a man of Mexican decent for viagra, twice now. I just happened to fly by the nurses station when I hear my buddy, we'll call her Big Mama, says, "this poor guy. He keeps asking for this viagra and he keeps getting denied." I glance down at the rx and the name. It's the same guy. I felt bad for him because we keep ruining his weekends with these denials. I could just imagine, he's gonna get all depressed cuz he can't have his viagra, so he'll go see one of our psychologists on staff, we'll call him Dr. Mellow, and be prescribed Paxil or something else for depression. And you know those pills have a lot of sexual side effects, so he'll get even more bummed out and not be able to perform. Or maybe they'll put him on anti-anxiety pills, that have gnarly sexual side effects, and he'll feel good, go out, try to find a willing partner, and when the piping fails, think he's gonna be happy about it? No...not's a vicious cycle. Poor guy.
Being an almost totally new department and staff, we make mistakes. When I first started doing the RX, I had a back up of about 200 prescriptions that were at various stages of the 72 hour period. I had a lot to catch up on when this part of my job was handed to me. (A whole 4 days into my job might I add!) So I passed out a few Rx's with just a matter of hours left on them to get back to the pharmacy. Needless to say, some of the doctors' were pissed. One in particular, we'll call her Ms. Princess. Ms. Princess is not a doctor, but a RN. She has this way about her. She doesn't exactly yell at you when she's pissed off. She talks down to you in a mono tone voice and she never stops talking. She talks over you, interrupts you, makes you frustrated and you feel as though she's not listening. Which she's not. So whenever her assigned doctor, which happens to be Dr. Mellow, isn't at the clinic, all of his patient's prescriptions have to go to her. For some unknown reason, she seems to think that I only get her patient's rx's....not everyone else's in the clinic! She pulled a hissy fit at the department's window one day to one of my co-workers. Ms. Princess made my coworker cry! I couldn't believe it. So now because of that incident, I have to take her rx's directly to her, before the ink dries on the fax! Oh yeah, I got time for that shit. I have to coddle Ms. Princess and treat her differently then everyone else, because she threw that hissy fit. And the kicker? Her doctor, Dr. Mellow, knows that I have a ton of rx to get out and has no problem if his get out with the rest of them. But when he's not there, oh lordy! It's all about her.
Now being a newbie, I listen to conversations that are going on around me as I search for charts within the clinic. I do this because our department gets a lot of the brunt of understructures failures. I like to hear the "buzz" about our department so I can go back and tell my coworkers what the latest bitch is about within the clinic, so we can all be prepared and get our shit together. I've gathered that a lot of times, patients are seen without charts. Actually I think we had 4 in the last week. So not really that bad. But if you listen to the nurses and the doctors, it's ALL the time. Just a tad exaggeration. For example: I'm walking down the hall, collecting charts, and I overhear a nurse, we'll call her PITA. (short for Pain in the Ass) "One of those people in the Medical Records department isn't doing their fucking job! Their supposed to pull the charts when I request them!" Complaining to a doctor, no less. I understand she's probably getting heat from the powers that be, but we always pull a chart from where ever it might be for an appointment. I get back to the department and everyone is frantically looking for this chart. The one PITA had requested. Seven people looking for one chart all over the clinic. Time is ticking by, the tension is building, the patient is in the room with the doctor, frustration starts to fall over my coworker's faces. This notion hits my head, go look up front in reception. I go trotting off to the front desk. There laying BETWEEN two receptionists, on the very top of their desk, the illusive PITA chart lays there. I snatch it up and trot it back to the department. With the relief of all my coworkers and a few loud speaker pages to the ones out and frantically searching, all is well once again in medical records. But this is a daily occurrence, sometimes several times a day. Only to find the illusive charts floating somewhere between reception and the nursing staff. If only someone, anyone working that department would just open their eyes before they call Medical Records and send 7 people into a frenzy. But then we'd live in a perfect world wouldn't we?
As my Aunt used to say, "Open your eyes instead of your mouth." Words to live by, I'd say.
Now comes "Browneyes". This woman is a piece of work. I guess there's one in every company. I heard her whining on the phone to someone about how she's bogged down with charts and she doesn't know what to do. She once said to me, when I first started working there, "you look familiar", not me. I guess I just have that type of face. Cuz she wasn't familiar to me in anyway. Well I guess she got wind of Ms. Princess's rx treatment and came to the window to whine at someone. She wanted to be treated like Ms. Princess. She started complaining about how her department never gets their charts when they need them, (keep in mind she's not writing prescriptions.) and she's upset. Her department seems to want the charts that are out for appointments the day of or the day before. So in short, most of the charts she wants are still in the hands of the doctors. She even added on another department isn't getting the charts they need and that we should "just take the charts" out of the hands of the doctors, giving them to her and the other department for just "10 minutes". I guess "10 minutes" is short for a few hours.....cuz it's never only 10 minutes. Priorities babe, priorities and you're not a priority. Sorry. Doctor's, nurses, and appointments take president over you and your department. I don't make the rules, I just play by them. I just thought, "wow, how very pompous of you". So this other department she added to her complaints was asked about getting the charts they needed. Turns out, that other department "Browneyes" was whining about, they didn't have a problem getting charts and realize that their charts will be seen after the doctors are finished with it. They had no complaints. Hummm....sounds like "Browneyes" was sticking her nose in where it didn't belong.
But you know what makes it all worth it? When Big Mama says to you, "you're doing a great job. I know nobody ever tells you that, but you are". I love Big Mama. And I like my boss and I get along with everyone in my department. I like it when our boss stands her ground and all of us as a department work together to get shit done. I've been waiting for a job like this for 3 flippin' years. Since I got to this little town. And they pay me really good. I think I'll be staying for a long long time. I'm breathing a big sigh of relief now, cuz it took alot for me to get here, to make sacrifices so I could stay in the area. It wasn't too long ago I was an unemployment check away from living in my mother's garage with two kids, back down south. I dealt with a gay Berkeley man with an underlying hatred toward women; a miserable woman who's only joy in life was to make other's miserable. Misery loves company, you know. And a delusional woman who was so out of whack, she thought swearing at her employees was okay. I've dealt with a famous company that treats their employees so bad that most injure themselves on the job cuz they can get more money from worker's comp. Another company that would only pay their "supervisors" eight dollars an hour, while they paid others' ten an hour under the table so that employee could still collect unemployment. This is a crazy town. And I'm learning it's not who you know but who you blow. Not me buddy. I'll quietly pursue my own interests over here in my corner of this small town. Plugging away on my bills, raisin' my kids and enjoying my life. I'm not worried about all these superficial people and their issues. I'm not a gossip hound and I prefer to be anonymous. I'll just sit back and watch for now. But one day, people will know my name. And I'll be the one getting blown! LOL. Have a great day ya'll.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Oh the irony
So I'm cleaning up the aftermath of the kids friend's spending the weekend in the living room, and I find a folded up copy of the City of Ukiah's Arts and Entertainment Fall issue under a side table. This little magazine lists city classes you can take and stuff happening in town through January. I'm thinking, "hey, maybe I could take a class or something"...I'm flipping through the thing, wondering, what ever happened to that photo contest. I turn the page and start reading the top...."Congratulations, our photo contest winner"..... "Oh cool....I hope it's good".
I look down the page and it's a picture of two hot rods, really nice shot, good clarity, hey wait a minute!!!! THAT'S MY PICTURE!!!!! Sure enough, it was mine and they touted my name at the bottom.
Nobody emailed me, nobody called me, nuthin'....I actually didn't think I won! But here it was in black and white. And it wasn't even my best picture! I didn't get anything, just in case you're wondering. The one thing I did get, was free publicity and my pictures in print. This little local rag mag goes out to every household in Ukiah, Calpella, Hopland, Redwood Valley, Talmage and Potter Valley. And it's published on the town's website. So hummmm, maybe I'll start getting some photo jobs....who knows. There's my 15 minutes of fame! Oh just in case you might wanna see some other work, check out the links on the right.
I just finished off 6 rolls of film at the fabulous 50's car show over the weekend. I think I have some very nice shots. I will be dedicating a web page to nuthin' but cars. I do like the hot rods, and it's a lot of fun going to these events here in town. I get to see all the "have's" showing off their "toys" to the "have nots".....and I always seem to run into old bosses or old co-workers from previous jobs. Most were not a pleasant experience that'll I'll have to explain in another blog. Small town living can suck. Don't get me wrong, I like it here among the redwoods and vines. But there's something in the water that makes these folks nuts.
Actually at this particular car show I ran into a very politically dominant business woman whom I used to work for. She was on a date, cooing at some gray haired gentleman I'm sure she met on the internet. As this was her MO when i worked for her, taking days off to go on her dates. I remember a motorcycle date she had that got her panties in a bunch. She's an older lady with kids older then me....I'm 36. I have a great amount of respect for her, but her daughters are the epitome of "the have's" in this town. She's a no bull shit kinda woman. And she ran her printing business that way. She has since retired from the company she created over 30 years ago to let her daughter run the business now. She has an amazing face and a crass personality. Her flaming red hair a sharp contrast to her pale complexion and her thick glasses. You just can't miss her in a crowd. I avoided her like the plague, but I know she saw me with my camera up to my face on numerous times that evening. I could feel her steel blue eyes watching me at times, rolling her eyes and pussing her lips. I dodged in and out of the roaming townites everytime she got to close to mutter any words to me. I emerged from the event unscathed and with many killer pictures.
When I found my picture in the magazine above, I relished in the knowledge that her company, the flaming red head's company, prints that magazine for the city every year. She has friends on the committee and they used to show up at the shop, meeting with her on the layout of the magazine's upcoming publication. And I remember when I worked for her, that she tried to stifle my photographs and my spirit, knowing full well my passion for this art form. I know she saw my name at the bottom of that picture while she berated her employees into making that mag perfect, a perfect printing of that page; My page! So as not to disappoint the power's that be at City Hall. Oh the irony!!!!
So HA!!!! Nice job, babe and thanks!!!!
Juliet Grace
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
First Blogging

Well hi there folks. I was turned on to this blogging thing by my bestest friend, the Tigress herself. I thought it would be cool to have an online journal. I've been many places and seen many things. I often wonder what kind of feedback would I get if I put my thoughts online. I've put my photography and such on my website, (see side panel for a link), but I never thought of putting thoughts up for the world to see. My friends and family are always saying I should post some of my stories so others can laugh too. So what the heck! I guess I have a lot to say. Some of which may not make any sense to the world at large, my apologies up front. My opinions are just that, opinions. Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one! I welcome any feedback and don't be worried about hurting my feelings. I'm not one of these prissy girly girls. In fact, I'm a modern amazon warrior chick with no regrets and a whole lot of passion. I work, I have two kids, I'm divorced and I live life. I love this world we live in. Never a dull moment. My pictures are an outlet, a creative urge I can't seem to shake. I use a 20 year old Pentax with a zoom lens and sometimes a wide angle. I have vision and I want to share! So check back soon. I'll be posting stuff often.
Blessed Be All
Juliet Grace