Well hi there folks. I was turned on to this blogging thing by my bestest friend, the Tigress herself. I thought it would be cool to have an online journal. I've been many places and seen many things. I often wonder what kind of feedback would I get if I put my thoughts online. I've put my photography and such on my website, (see side panel for a link), but I never thought of putting thoughts up for the world to see. My friends and family are always saying I should post some of my stories so others can laugh too. So what the heck! I guess I have a lot to say. Some of which may not make any sense to the world at large, my apologies up front. My opinions are just that, opinions. Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one! I welcome any feedback and don't be worried about hurting my feelings. I'm not one of these prissy girly girls. In fact, I'm a modern amazon warrior chick with no regrets and a whole lot of passion. I work, I have two kids, I'm divorced and I live life. I love this world we live in. Never a dull moment. My pictures are an outlet, a creative urge I can't seem to shake. I use a 20 year old Pentax with a zoom lens and sometimes a wide angle. I have vision and I want to share! So check back soon. I'll be posting stuff often.
Blessed Be All
Juliet Grace
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