I never believed in love at first sight. I thought that stuff only happens in the movies. Right? I'm cruizin' to ma's house down south, East Bay area, for the weekend. Mom was movin and she needed some help. My Lovie was staying the week, before the big trip back east to see her dad. Spendin' time with the G-Ma.
Anyway....I pull into the drive way....pour outta the truck with my crap in hand and Lovie in tow. I go bouncing up the front porch and pop into the open front door. I come face to face and eye to eye with this big, tatooed, bald headed biker type standing in my childhood living room. I took a quick glance at his face and I thought I recognized him for just a second. He looked just like someone I knew. Then I realized but only after I muttered the words...."What arrrrreeee youuuuuu doing".....(I wanted to say here?)

The next weekend....I have to go down to drop off the boy. Their flying out the following tuesday and I had the whole 4 days to play with my new playmate. Let the flirting begin. It didn't last long. I think I was there two days and he kissed me. So soft, so passionate, strong arms around me. I melted. He picked me up and put me on my mom's granite counter top and kissed me....that was it. I was his. But he didn't know it yet.

That kiss put me over the top. We flirted with unyeilding vigor. Winking at each other when nobody was looking. Brushing past each other while eyes were elsewhere. He then did something I've never done. We went to the store for ma and he took a little detour. He popped into a nail salon. He wanted me to have a peticure. I've never had one before and really didn't know what to expect. We sat there waiting for my turn and this lady turns around and says, "I can't even get my husband to take me here let alone, sit in here with me". Wow, really? When they asked me to take a chair in the foot spa thing, he bent down and massaged my feet in front of everyone. I was in shock. He then sat back down and watched me. He sent me text messages saying how beautiful I was. Asked me how it felt. Geez, that was the best. I got a french manicure with a hot pink flower on each big toe. Their so CUTE! I'm not a big fan of girly stuff...but boy, I could get used to that. Then he whisks me off to lunch. We finally got to the store for mom. We went back to G-ma's house and proceeded to cook a fabulous steak barbeque dinner for everyone, the whole time, touching each other ever so slightly. Without letting on we were touching.
Later that night he took me and my wenchy out for a drink at the marina. I know he wanted to get me there alone. And I think Wenchy went to make sure he wasn't a nut job. We had a great time. I've never seen anyone dish back the crap my wenchy was giving out. That blew my mind. He was right there in it, scrappin' with her and she was warming up to him. NOT an easy thing to do. Espically a guy that wants the effections of her wenchy. We had a nice walk around the jogging course, it was all good. The next night it was our turn, alone. We sat in my truck and talked about all sorts of things. From life to death to merriage. It was like I've known him all my life. I was that comfortable with him from the get go. I've since talked him into coming up north and leaving the stressfull bay area for the calm and serenity of Mendocino county, if only for a weekend. I think he really liked it up here. We spent the fourth of July hugging under the stars and watching the fireworks. We had our own fireworks later......
I got ready for work this morning and put on my black sweatshirt.....much to my surprise, his colonge was all over that sweatshirt. I smelled it all day long and daydreamed. I even had my co-worker ladies smell it too! I think I'm in love and I think it started that first day, that first glance, that first intense look into those beautiful eyes. Oh it's a good life.